Make Your Hometown a Staycation

Make Your Hometown a Staycation

Are you a little worried about planning a “big” vacation since you are unsure how your young ones will hold up on the journey? Or maybe you are on a shoe-string budget and cannot afford an all-out vacation at this time. Maybe you simply want to plan a small weekend staycation for you and your family.

One of the simplest ways to make long-lasting memories is to master the art of day-tripping. You and your family can explore your hometown or sites around your region for little to no cost.

I admit it: I’m a bargain hunter. I want the biggest bang for my buck. One of my life mottoes is “Free is my favorite price.” Because of my penny-pinching inclinations, my family has done a lot of hometown vacationing.

Here are some ideas for planning your next trip to your hometown.

Visit Places That Are New to You

Staycation Theater
You might try a community theater or musical event in your hometown

First, look at where you live with new eyes. If you live in a metro area, there likely are many places around town you have yet to visit.

How many times have you realized that you live 30 minutes away from a much ballyhooed museum you have yet to visit? Take the time to plan an excursion there now.

Even if you live in a rural setting, there are likely many attractions within a short drive that are worth a gander.

Get Outdoors

Staycation outdoors
Get out and breathe in some fresh air. Maybe smell a flower or two.

I’m sure there are so many outdoors places you can turn in to an adventure.

Try hiking on a new trail. Or hike on a familiar trail during a different season of the year.

Find a river, lake, or ocean where you can spend time relaxing and enjoying the sounds of nature.

Go to the Tried and True Spots

Bowling staycation
Check out your local bowling alley.

Art museums often have rotating exhibitions. So, a trip to the museum will be something new.

Popular local hangouts, like a bowling alley, provide locations to make new, fun memories.

Is There a Local’s Discount?

Staycation petting zoo
Discover a new animal friend at a local farm or petting zoo,

Check for local’s discounts. Often, top attractions will offer discounts to locals, or give discounts during weekdays when there are fewer visitors.

Investigate the Web for deals. Can you get a discount if you go during off-season? You will enjoy the cost savings, and if you are like me, you will appreciate the smaller crowds.

Head to Your Local Library

A great resource for staycations is your local library.

Our family has enjoyed a number of library-sponsored events. Our kids have been able to board a firetruck or helicopter at the library. We have been able to play musical instruments, visit rescue greyhounds, build with Legos, and create some weird science projects at the library.

Our library also offers free or discounted entrance fees to some local museums. Some libraries rent telescopes and binoculars. Our library offers an adventure pass which gives our family free admission to a state park along with a backpack full of gadget to use during your visit. Some libraries even loan board games or bicycles.

You may be surprised at all the free resources at your library.

Check Out Your Town’s Calendar

Staycation sports
Take up a new sport, like golfing

Your city or town’s website is another great resource for finding low cost or free events.

Summer is a great time to find free concerts, plays, or dance recitals at city parks. Before you say that your kids will not sit through a performance like this, take a chance and try it out. You can leave if the kids get rambunctious.

Maybe you’ll find a sports clinic where you and your family can take up a new sport.

Holidays are good times for special events sponsored by your municipality.

Your family could help clean up your community during a city beautification event.

The Best Admission Price is Always Free

Zoo Free Admission
Check out free admission days at local zoos

Always be on the lookout for free days at local attractions. Our art museum and science museum have free family Saturdays. Our children’s museum has free events, too. Check out Museums for All for free museums near you. Many zoos offer free admission days. If the actual location does not have free admission, the organization may provide a free community event at a local park.

Many locations in the National Park Service have free admission year-round, and all locations offer free admission on select days. These places are top tourists attraction for people traveling to your city, so why not take advantage of the locals’ offerings.

Brown-Bag It

Staycation pool toys
A play pool and some water toys can turn your backyard into a destination spot.

Of course, you can always take a hike, pack a picnic, drive to a nearby lake, camp in your backyard, or visit your neighborhood pool.

The advantage of a staycation is that you can take a “test-drive” before you invest in a longer road trip or plane tickets to a destination spot. The day-trip can help you assess your family’s flexibility to altered bedtimes or being off-schedule. If your family has a set routine, a staycation can allow you to test a child’s response to things that aren’t status quo. You can and will make memories that your family will treasure.

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All photos and content are by Family Well Traveled and use of photos or content without permission will result in legal action.

14 thoughts on “Make Your Hometown a Staycation”

  • It’s so funny how I can list a bunch of things to do in places I’ve visited, but am usually at a loss for words when people visit me in my hometown. Thanks for the suggestions of being able to vacation at home !

  • This is a great idea. You know, people don’t naturally appreciate the things they have, I live on top of a hill and people are amazed when ever they visit my community but most of us don’t see it as anything. Thanks for this great idea, it’s time we start appreciating when make us different from other. And the topography of my community is one of the things that make us different.

  • I really like staycations. It lessens the stress of trip planning when you just want to chill. And sometimes, staycations are great to do when you just want to be spontaneous. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

  • I like the termin “staycation” – hear it for first time. And actually staycations are really good idea. I have traveled a lot in my country and abroad but in fact I have never visited the surrounding areas of my city. May be I have to travel on more staycations.

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