National Park Photos: A Tribute

National Park Photos: A Tribute

We at Family Well Traveled love our national parks. With more than 400 national park sites, there is plenty to see and do. We have a lot of sites left to visit. Still, we thought in honor of National Parks Week (which occurs each April), 

The Best Travel Photos from Our Journeys

The Best Travel Photos from Our Journeys

As the year winds down, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journeys we took during 2017. Most of our trips were to U.S. National Parks, since our 4th-grade son had a free Every Kid in a Park pass. Here are some 

Travel Guide to Western Nebraska National Monuments

Travel Guide to Western Nebraska National Monuments

When you think of special vacation destinations, Nebraska probably is not on your list. I admit that I don’t think of Nebraska as a traveler’s Mecca. Yet, our family planned a road trip to Western Nebraska during fall break and found that there is more